Benefits of studyng english

Mayo 19, 2021

Learning a new language is always an excellent idea, today you will explore some of those benefits, but also you will see the benefits of being in a BICULTURAL SCHOOL.
Benefits of studyng english

Keeps Your Brain Sharp: When you decide to learn English, you give yourself an extra rigorous workout due to its complicated nature.

Cultural Awareness and Traveling the World: Learning a second language can also teach you about a second culture, as language is a key aspect of culture.

The Benefits of Biculturalism: There are many advantages to being bicultural such as having a greater number of social networks, being aware of cultural differences, taking part in the life of two or more cultures, being an intermediary between cultures, and so on.

Creativity and English Entertainment: By learning the language, you can experience art and entertainment in its native language. Engaging with creative media will help make you more creative.

GAE BICULTURAL SCHOOL: Through our bicultural approach our students are able to gain a wider perspective on different traditions, customs, beliefs and practices and are therefore better placed to understand and empathize with those that are different from them.



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Abril 03, 2020