A multicultural learning community that nurtures the values and abilities which inspire.

Junio 10, 2021

To be a multicultural learning community that nurtures the values and abilities which inspire in each of us the confidence to further our education, pursue our dreams, and serve as compassionate, responsible citizens.
A multicultural learning community that nurtures the values and abilities which inspire.

To be a multicultural learning community that nurtures the values and abilities which inspire in each of us the confidence to further our education, pursue our dreams, and serve as compassionate, responsible citizens.


The school climate in a bicultural bilingual setting gives students the opportunity to foster their academic, cognitive and socio-cultural skills in two languages.


Students follow a bespoke blend of the English, Mexican and International curricula throughout their time at the school

Half of the classes are taught in Spanish and the other half are taught in English. It is a great opportunity for those students interested in an international curriculum. The main objective of this program is to expand the knowledge of other cultures and develop the ability to see the world from different perspectives.


Cultural activities during the school year are planned to follow-up of your intercultural adaptation. Like a Science Fair, Spelling Bee.

Along the units they have projects to be involve in their community and in that way they develop social, emotional skills.



Ventajas que aporta el uso del uniforme escolar

Mejora el rendimiento del alumnado. El uniforme escolar contribuye a que los estudiantes estén más concentrados en clase, porque se crea un ambiente más formal, por lo que su rendimiento mejora así como sus calificaciones.

Octubre 26, 2020

Celebramos el día del Maestro

“El futuro tiene muchos nombres. Para los débiles es inalcanzable. Para los temerosos, lo desconocido. Para los valientes, es la oportunidad”

Mayo 14, 2020