Transversal education as a way to educate for solutions.

Julio 09, 2021

Nowadays, education is based on human development that integrates different skills and competences for the person to integrate successfully into modern society.
Transversal education as a way to educate for solutions.

Nowadays, education is based on human development that integrates different skills and competences for the person to integrate successfully into modern society.

Transversal education is based on the connection that exists between the subjects and competences. Meaning that it is not linked directly with any specific subject, what’s more it prioritizes interdisciplinary teaching and competences development.

The essence of this education is based on the constructivist paradigm, which dictates that knowledge is constructed rather than transmitted, being the new knowledge built on the basis of prior knowledge. Therefore constructivism is focused on the process of the student’s active search for knowledge and on its formation, always taking into consideration their previous knowledge.

As a result, the development of transversal education, based on inducing cognitive situations by means of a purposeful application of methods and strategies. In this type of situation, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and their skills in specific contexts according to a variety of conditions no matter what subject or contents they are working on.

In conclusion, transversal education looks forward to educating for the development of competences in order to create students with an active role in their learning process. This all leads to the formation of conscious students that will be capable of making their own decisions. In addition, transversal education, allows the student to learn and connect all of their knowledge in order to solve problems and acquire all the necessary skills to have an excellent performance in their educational and daily life.

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